The Creative Way Members in Boulder Are Engaging And Building Faith

As we move into phase two of Governor Jared Polis’ Safer At Home Initiative, many houses of worship have begun to reopen with safety guidelines in place. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, however, remains closed for in-person worship. Local congregations, or wards, of The Church, eagerly await direction from local Church authorities on even tighter safety precautions required to reopen their doors. Members of these wards are particularly ready to join each other in worship because they partake in the sacrament each Sunday and listen to talks prepared by other members- not paid clergy. This makes for internet-based meetings impossible and discouraged by Church leadership. Some members have been able to partake in the sacrament at home, while others rely on special deliveries by other members each week.
One member, Charlotte Alan, recently moved out of the area but doesn’t mind the 40-minute drive back to Boulder each Sunday. With the in-person services suspended, however, Sundays have looked a lot different. “It can be really difficult to focus my attention on feeling the Spirit and remembering the sacrifices Christ has made for me when I am taking the bread and water in the mailroom of an apartment complex next to a vending machine. However, I am so grateful for these sacrament deliveries because they are crucial to my faith. My ward is small- only about 50 regular members, so I hope we get the green light to return to the church building soon”.
Though church services haven’t gone online for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, some members in the area got together to create a 12 part series named “Hear Him” in which they talk about their faith and share ways they can hear Christ and understand the gospel in more depth. They have also hosted numerous “member challenges”, the most recent is an action a day to become more kind. The Hear Him video series and Kindness Challenge can be found on their Facebook page “Church of Jesus Christ Boulder”.