Aurora Family Helps Venezuelan Family Make Colorado Their New Home
By Sage Anderson, Aurora South Stake Media Specialist & Corey Christiansen, Denver Region Media Specialist A family in the Aurora South Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has spent more than a year helping some new arrivals from Venezuela find their footing in the Mile High City. Caitlin and Jeffery Mulcock…
Read MoreArvada Church Members Help Make Christmas Gift Event a Success
By Corey Christiansen, Denver Region Media Specialist Mission Arvada hosts an annual effort called “Christmas Joy” to provide hundreds of toys and gifts to children in need. That need was even greater this year – growing from a normal 500 gifts to 1,500 that were needed to meet demand in December. Members of the Arvada…
Read MoreWestminster Toy Drive Collects More than 200 Toys for Local Pantry
By Carly Smith, Westminster Stake Media Specialist The Westminster Stake conducted its annual Christmas toy drive and the effort was a wonderful success. Together, members of the stake donated 237 toys to the Denver North Cares Food Pantry!! Relief Society sisters (adult women members) from the Broadlands Ward gathered earlier this week and wrapped all…
Read MoreDenver North Stake Youth Excel in High School Band Competition
By Corey Christiansen, Denver Region Media Specialist About a dozen members of Thornton’s Horizon High School marching band are members of the Denver North Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and recently set a school record for their performance at a band competition. The exceptional band members are Allison Bailey, Violet…
Read MoreAurora South Stake Raises More than $8,000 to Help Send Veterans on Vacations
By Narae Choi, Aurora South Stake Media Specialist When Aurora’s Karin Crawford saw a need to help veterans in her community, she didn’t hesitate to step up. Crawford and the Aurora South Stake of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints recently partnered to raise money for the non-profit Vacations for Warriors (V4W). V4W has…
Read MoreDenver Youth Sort Donated Clothes at Shelter
The holiday season is all about giving and the youth of the Denver Stake are dedicating a significant amount of time toward community service. About 25 young men and women ages 12 to 18 organized two separate occasions this fall to sort donated clothing at The Family Transition Shelter. Church missionaries from the Colorado Denver…
Read MoreAurora Youth Help Prepare Local Museum for Winter Closure
By Jack Whetten, Aurora Stake Media Specialist More than 40 young men and young women from the Aurora Colorado Stake recently participated in a service project to assist the Comanche Crossing Historical Society Museum in preparing for its annual winter closure. The museum, located in Strasburg, tells the story of pioneer life on the eastern…
Read MoreBrighton Youth Collect 6,000 Pounds of Food for Community
By Corey Christiansen, Denver Region Media Specialist Teens and pre-teens made a huge difference in the Brighton community by collecting an incredible 6,000 pounds of food as part of a community food drive. The youth collected canned and non-perishable foods from their schools, their family and friends and even by going door-to-door and collecting food…
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