EnglishCorner.org is a group of community volunteers offering our time to teach English to adult refugees in Aurora and Denver, Colorado.

OUR OBJECTIVE:  Provide a positive language experience every Saturday morning, in a supportive, comfortable environment. We extend assurance, encouragement, coupled with warm associations in group activities that facilitate the learning process. After 6 months, students will be able to speak and understand enough English to begin to live independently in their communities. Our primary focus is on listening, speaking, and cultural adaptation. Our secondary focus is on reading and writing for daily living. Students will take home materials to study after every class with clear expectations for at home practice.


Our name comes from this quote by Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, a refugee himself when a child, after World War II:

While earthly fathers do this for their own children, the spirit of mentoring is something we need to offer all of God’s children, regardless of age, location, or circumstance. Remember, God’s children are our brothers and sisters; we are all of the same eternal family.  In this sense, let us all be mentors—eager to reach out and help one another to become our best selves. Because we are God’s offspring, we do have the potential to become like Him. Loving God and our fellowmen, keeping God’s commandments, and following Christ’s example are the straight, narrow, and joyful path back into the presence of our heavenly parents.   If the God of the universe cares so much about us that He is a mentor to us, perhaps we too can reach out to our fellowmen, regardless of their color, race, socioeconomic circumstances, language, or religion.   Let us become Inspired Mentors and bless the lives of others—not only our own children but also all of God’s children throughout the world.