Blood Drives Continue
In April 2020 local leaders received word that there was a critical need for blood drives in Colorado. An area wide partnership was launched with Vitalant. All 16 stakes (geographic groups of local congregations) in the Denver Metro area hosted drives with some doing multiple drives throughout the end of the year. In total 38…
Read MoreBlood Drive, Habitat For Humanity, & Erie Uplink
Members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints were encouraged to participate in the National Day of Service and Remembrance to honor all those so deeply affected by the events of 9/11. Although preparations for the day of service began late in the Boulder area, local church leaders and members joined together in…
Read MoreThe Creative Way Members in Boulder Are Engaging And Building Faith
As we move into phase two of Governor Jared Polis’ Safer At Home Initiative, many houses of worship have begun to reopen with safety guidelines in place. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, however, remains closed for in-person worship. Local congregations, or wards, of The Church, eagerly await direction from local Church authorities…
Read MoreMassive Food Drive Feeds the Masses: 23 Denver Food Banks Re-stock Shelves After Area-Wide Donation Effort
Of the many impacts that coronavirus has had on our community, the nationwide shortfall at food banks may be one of the most devastating. Over 30 million Americans have filed for unemployment benefits in the last six weeks. The exponential increase in demand for food is unfortunately met by a drop in donations. Some of…
Read MoreTeachers from 8 Area High Schools Honored By Their Students
Twenty-one local High School Seniors from eight area high schools were able to honor the teachers who had the greatest impact on their lives at a Teacher Appreciation Ceremony held Tuesday, March 3 at The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints building on Lowell Boulevard in Broomfield. The Seniors, who all belong to The…
Read MoreDenver Meets the Missionaries
Elder Blackham knew it would be a sacrifice to give up his guitar and music while on his mission, but inspiration he felt in the Denver Temple gave him peace, “Give it to me and I can make it so much more.” With the help of other inspired elders and sisters, Elder Blackham was able…
Read MoreBoulder Stake Makes Large Donation to EFAA
Members of the Boulder Stake and the Bishop’s Storehouse donated nearly 1,500 pounds of food and toiletries to the Emergency Family Assistance Association. The EFAA serves the Boulder community in need of basic food and housing and they were thrilled to have a large January donation following the holidays. Individuals in the Boulder Stake collected…
Read MoreOver 100 People Perform Christ-Centered Flash Mob at Broomfield Mall
“I want to light the mall with the true spirit of Christmas” said Jessica in the week leading up to the event. She chose the busiest day of the Christmas season and organized the event with the Flatirons mall in Broomfield Colorado.
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