Blood Drives Continue
In April 2020 local leaders received word that there was a critical need for blood drives in Colorado.
An area wide partnership was launched with Vitalant.
All 16 stakes (geographic groups of local congregations) in the Denver Metro area hosted drives with some doing multiple drives throughout the end of the year.

In total 38 blood drives were hosted in 2020 with 1491 units of blood collected. That is enough blood to help over 4350 people.
Of the 1372 donors, 475 of them were first time donors.
“Amazing things happen when we can partner with members of our community to bless, and literally give life, to others!” -Katie Moon, Denver North Coordinating Council JustServe Specialist
Additional Reading: 200 Blood Drives Completed in North Central US | Church Newsroom | 4 February 2021
In 2021 there are already 25 addition blood drives scheduled.
On Thursday, February 25th local congregations in Denver hosted a drive and over 18 units of blood red and one plasma donation were collected.
Keep up the momentum!