United Methodist Mountain Sky Conference Visit to Salt Lake City
On the afternoon and evening of January 15, 2019 representatives of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints from Denver, Colorado met with the United Methodist Church’s Mountain Sky Conference cabinet
at Church Headquarters in Salt Lake City, Utah.
The visit was a wonderful opportunity to share common beliefs and introduce our friends of the Methodist faith to the Bishop’s Storehouse, Temple Square, The Conference Center, The Relief Society Building, and The Joseph Smith Building.

The Mountain Sky Cabinet was meeting together in Salt Lake City and this presented a perfect opportunity for Latter-day Saint leaders to connect with them and share of our common faith in our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Bishop Oliveto said of this meeting:
[I want to thank] you and your faith, that [we] would be welcomed, with outstretched arms, and I do trust that this is going to be the start of some ministries that we share together as we all open our arms to share the love of Christ in the world. So I just want to thank each of you. You have given so much generous hospitality, and it’s been such an inspiration. We look forward to returning the favor, and the gift.
Bishop Oliveto

We too are very grateful for these opportunities to build relationships with other believers in Christ and, thereby, to strengthen our community!