Gateway High School Student Awarded Top Boy Scout Rank
On July 10th 2018 Tyler Ker of Aurora Colorado was honored in a court of honor for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. Tyler is a member of the Sable Ward and congregation which is located in the East Aurora area.
Eagle is the highest rank awarded to a young man and requires many hours of service, merit badges, and work in the community and in leadership with his troop. Notable in Tyler’s journey to Eagle was his Eagle project at which he designed and built shelving units to house instruments in the bad wing of Gateway High School during the summer of 2015.
At the event, Principal Dr. Dackri Davis, of Gateway High School, discussed Tyler’s leadership at Gateway which included positions in the top Show and A Capella choirs, as well as within the student leadership as the student body vice president. In these leadership roles, Tyler spent countless hours leading his teams through many successful events, such as Make a Wish, where they raised more than 12k+ in just 3 weeks. Dr. Davis expressed that Tyler offered superior leadership, was a problem solver, and a real support to both staff and peers; such leadership she had not otherwise witnessed from a student in her 25-year career in education.
Also at the court of honor, President Scott Davies, First Counselor in the Aurora Colorado Stake Presidency, shared thoughts about the important role of parents in the raising and nurturing of children, and of the blessing youth have, to learn valuable leadership skills as part of the Church-sponsored youth programs.