Parker High School Student Dedicated to Community Service
By Corey Christiansen, Denver Region Media Specialist
For Parker high school student Hayden Westenskow, community service has been just as big a part of his high school experience as studying. In fact, he set a goal to letter in Community Service at his school – Chaparral High School.
Hayden recently completed more than 100 service hours this school year and achieved his goal. He started volunteering as a Significant Support Needs (SSN) Summer School Teacher helping students with disabilities learn how to read, write and do math.
His other service activities included serving breakfast for the homeless, volunteering at the Giving Machines and visiting with the elderly in his community. Hayden said he loves to listen to their life stories and he even dances with them.
Hayden said that in addition to helping the community, his acts of service left a significant impact on him. “I know sometimes service can be a grudge because you aren’t getting paid or it may feel like a waste of your time, but I guarantee if you do it your heart will be softened, and you will come out a better person,” he said.
Hayden discovered most of his service opportunities through and used it to find opportunities that worked best for him. He encourages other high school students to use JustServe to find ways to serve as they also work on lettering in Community Service.